February 27, 2020
Tips for Selling an Older Home Surrounded by New Construction
Selling an older home surrounded by new construction is challenging yet possible. The task is going to require your creativity and a willingness to be…

February 12, 2020
5 Top Real Estate Marketing Trends for 2020
Keeping up with real estate marketing trends is necessary to avoid falling behind your competition. Here's a look at what's happening in the world of…

August 17, 2018
3 Ways to Help Customers Avoid Decision Fatigue
A fascinating study of decision fatigue carried out in 2011 in the Israeli court system revealed prisoners' chances of getting parole were at their best…

August 10, 2018
3 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Online Presence
Marketing is the name of the game in real estate success, and online marketing is taking on greater importance than ever before. As recently as…

August 3, 2018
Three Rookie Mistakes for Sales Agents to Avoid
Sometimes, when thinking about how to sell homes, it can be useful to go back to the basics. If you find something holding you back…

July 13, 2018
4 Tips for Sizzling Summertime Open House Events
Summertime is housing's peak season, seeing a major crest in activity that sellers can hope will translate into an offer on their home before Labor…